Linear programming variables.

Linear programing (LP) variables are the variables whose values the optimizer will solve for in each time step.


Set of LpVariables:

LPvariable Definition Unit Type
\(Q_{\ bat, k}\) Battery charge. kWh Continuous
\(P_{k}\) Power generated by the genset. kW Continuous
\(P_{\mathrm{load}, k}\) Power from genset to the load. kW Continuous
\(P_{\mathrm{to\_bat}, k}\) Power from genset to the battery. kW Continuous
\(P_{\mathrm{from\_bat}, k}\) Power from the battery to the load. kW Continuous
\(Y_k\) Logical variable indicating the state of genset. - Binary
\(Y_{\mathrm{to\_bat}, k}\) Logical charging variable for the battery. - Binary
\(Y_{\mathrm{from\_bat}, k}\) Logical discarging variable for the battery. - Binary
\(Z\) Aditional cost fuel oil consumption when starting Genset. - Binary
\(FOC\) Genset fuel oil consumption. g Continuous

The index \(k\) is in all cases used to the denote a particular time step.